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Friday, March 08, 2024

The Day Green Lantern Visited Twin Peaks

"He's still alive...wrapped in plastic," Green Lantern murmured to himself. Then, addressing the victim: "Don't worry, sir; my power ring will cut you out of there in a jiffy." 

"Wait! You don't understand," cried the terrified man. "'Through dark and gloom the clingfilm creeps; a fearsome sight to see; it crackled as it ambulated; gyre, wind for me." 

"Is that a poem?" asked the stalwart but confused hero. Then all the lights overhead flickered and extinguished themselves, and the green glow of the ring hovered alone unsteadily in the black. 


Jeff Shyluk said...


a request cut off
a dull familiar thud
a blackjack clonks skull

Jeff Shyluk said...

No, wait, I have another haiku!

a clingfilm rescue
Green Lantern's nipple twitches
only the lonely

Check it out, GL is nipply. I must order that Best Of Roy Orbison CD. Yes, I still buy CDs.