Ah, Lastday! When citizens ascend to the heavens in Carousel to be Renewed!
That's my hope, at any rate. Today was my last day at Hole's, the end of a seven-and-a-half year gardening odyssey. During that time I've cowritten hundreds of articles, contributed to over a dozen books, helped produce a handful of short television episodes, and written over a thousand speeches. That's a fair chunk of verbiage, and I'm very grateful to Bruce, Bill, Jim, Valerie, Dave, Ted and Lois for taking a chance on a very green writer. I had a lot of fun, learned about the art and the craft of writing, and helped make a real difference in the lives of my fellow Canadians. Not many jobs can offer that.
I was particularly moved by the generosity of my coworkers, who presented me with a very nice card overflowing with warm thoughts and a hefty gift certificate for Chapters.
But most of all, I have to thank my boss and friend Bruce, who not only gave me an absolutely gorgeous collected Calvin & Hobbes with a personalized bookplate, but with a few simple words helped me understand that my changing relationship with Hole's isn't a calamity, but a brand new beginning, full of opportunity. Bruce took a big risk in hiring me back in 1998, and I'll always be very grateful.
Thanks Bruce! Serial commas rule!

As Bruce said, you now have a world of opportunity at your fingertips. I'm really quite excited for you, and of course proud of the amazing work you did for Hole's. They were lucky to have you for as long as they did.
Nice Logan's Run reference, by the
way. That said, to you REALLY want go to Carousel?
"Green" writer - pun intended? You know, gardening...green...etc.
Ooh, exciting times. What's next?
What are you moving on to?
Magic Word: warfox. Better than Oscillator?
I wanted to mention that I liked the way you 'framed' this entry with the two photos.
Well done.
Earl, you look so young in the first picture! So fresh-faced and eager. I like this shot. I hope you capture that feeling again with whatever career you choose next.
L, Squishy
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