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Saturday, March 05, 2011

The Barn at Sunset

Today's previously scheduled post is taking longer than expected to materialize and I'm really making an effort to post something once a day, so here's a photo of the Etsell barn at sunset.
This would be sometime in the late 60s or early 70s. I love the colours - a splash of vibrant red and gold, some earth tones...I'm really just torturing myself with summer scenes as I wait for spring to arrive. I suppose we shouldn't be impatient; technically, spring is still a couple of weeks away.


"Jeff And Circuses" said...

If you know you are going to run late, my wife taught me this trick for Blogger;

Simply make some kind of placeholder and post it before midnight. Sometimes I just bang on the keyboard,


... and sometimes I use a more elaborate placeholder, which I keep on hand for exactly such an emergency.

Blogger automatically records the date and time that you make your original post, and does not change it if you make edits afterwards. You are stuck with whatever title you chose, though. If you edit the title, the HTML version will remain the same as your original.

But, but, but... you protest, if I post after midnight, then I am not posting every day like I promised.

Bah! I say. Do you live on the International Date Line? No, Edmonton is five time zones away. Plenty of leeway. You have until five in the morning to make sure your daily post doesn't creep into tomorrow.

Earl J. Woods said...

An excellent tip and a salient point, but it still feels a little like cheating.'s a good shenanigan to keep in the old back pocket.